A - Z Index

Information about the library and its services from A to Z

A – Z Index

  • B
  • Bibliography of TU Darmstadt

    TU Darmstadt records its publications in its own database in the TU Bibliography, which is maintained by the ULB.

  • Book Flea Market

    There is a book flea market on the first floor of each of the Stadtmitte and Lichtwiese locations.

  • Book Request

    Your purchase proposal for the acquisition of media that are not in our stock

  • Books from Hong Kong

    The ULB Darmstadt has decided to purchase as many books as possible that were blocked or banned in Hong Kong's libraries by China following the passing of the security law in June 2020, and to make them freely accessible.

  • Borrowing Privileges

    Items may be borrowed by any individual aged 15 years or over and living in Germany for a minimum of three months.

  • C
  • Cafeteria

    The Cafeteria “LesBar” is in the basement of the ULB Stadtmitte, the Cafeteria “LichtBar” is in the foyer of the Lecture and Media Centre near the Lichtwiese.

  • Changes of Address

    Please inform us of any changes in your address as soon as possible. Changes of address can only be made upon presentation of a valid identity card or passport (plus a max. 6 months old registration certificate).

  • Charges

    Find the general charges and costs for loans, interlibrary loans, photographic and reproduction work here.

  • Chromebook Loans

    Holders of an Athene or ULB card are able to borrow a Chromebook for use in the library.

  • Citavi

    At TU Darmstadt, Citavi is available free of charge as a campus license as a program for reference management and knowledge organisation. The ULB offers regular Citavi workshops.

  • Classification Scheme

    Most of the media on the top floors are set up according to the Regensburg Library Classification Scheme (RVK), which you can view online at RVK online.

  • Cloakroom Lockers

    Jackets and bags may be taken into all ULB locations. Alternatively, you are welcome to use a cloakroom locker.

  • Collecting Media

    You will find the media you ordered through the TUfind search portal in the collection shelves at ULB Stadtmitte, Schloss or Lichtwiese. There will be a .

  • Collection Point for Used Glasses

    The ULB is a collection point for brillenweltweit.de (Brillen spenden – Sehen schenken), Europe's largest recycling project for used glasses.

  • Collection Point for Used Mobile Phones

    You can hand in your used mobile phone to us, through your donation you support Pro Wildlife.

  • Collection Times

    Your order will be waiting for you on the collection shelf after a certain time. Please go to the “Service & Information” counters to see publications that are not available on loan.

  • Contacts

    This alphabetical list contains the details of our contacts.

  • D
  • Databases

    The Database Information System (DBIS) is a portal for article, image, fact and full-text databases as well as for bibliographies.

  • Deposit Copies

    The University and State Library Darmstadt holds the deposit copy right for the region.

  • Digital Collections

    Our website contains a wide range of materials that we have digitised.

  • Digital Course Reserve

    As teaching staff at the TU, you have the option of having us digitise printed materials for your courses.

  • Digitisation on Demand

    With Digitisation on Demand, ULB will take care of copying / scanning for you and, if required, compile the desired pages on your behalf.

  • DIN Standards

    Notes on searching by standards and technical guidelines

  • Dissertations

    Information on the publication of dissertations via TUprints and the submission of dissertations and habilitations.

  • Donations

    Please contact us before dropping off private gifts and book donations.

  • E
  • eduroam

    You will find information on eduroam and a list of participating institutions at: http://www.eduroam.org/

    Information on using eduroam at the ULB is available at WLAN .

  • eJournals

    All electronic journals are listed in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB). Traffic light symbols show you whether the full text of a journal is available.

  • Electronic Newspapers

    The ULB also offers a number of electronic newspaper archives.

  • eMedia

    In addition to printed literature, the ULB also offers you a comprehensive range of electronic media that TU members are primarily able to use externally via VPN.

  • EndNote

    The campus licence for EndNote expired on 30.09.2020.

  • Exchange shelf “Off and away”

    Exchange shelf at ULB Lichtwiese: Beautiful things are looking for a new home.

  • Exhibition Profile

    Are you interested in organising an exhibition in the library rooms? You will find information on our exhibition profile here.

  • Extending Interlibrary Loans

    For interlibrary loans, there is a separate form for extending the loan period.

  • Extending the Loan Period

    Your library account contains the overview “Borrowed media and extensions”. You can extend the loan period yourself online, but only if the medium has not been reserved.

  • G
  • Gifts

    Please contact us before dropping off private gifts and book donations.

  • Gripping Aids

    To ensure that wheelchair users are also able to remove books from the upper library shelves independently, a gripping aid is available from the Service & Information counter at ULB Stadtmitte.

  • Group Work Rooms

    The group work rooms for max. 6 persons (only room 320 Stadtmitte: 8 persons) are used for learning and working together. Prior booking is possible.

  • H
  • Handsets

    Handsets are literature collections that are available at the workstations in the departments and institutes of the TU. The media are not available to borrow, but may be accessible after consultation.

  • I
  • Information and Advice

    Do you have any questions concerning our collections and services? We will be pleased to support you with information and advice.

  • Interlibrary Loan

    You can use an interlibrary loan to borrow media from other libraries that are not in the ULB collection. In order to do this, you must be in possession of an Athene or ULB card and need to set up an interlibrary loan account.

  • Internship

    Training for senior service at scientific libraries

  • J
  • Jobs

    Current vacancies at TU Darmstadt

  • L
  • Lecture Hall

    The centrally located hall in the ULB Stadtmitte can also be rented.

  • Lecture Room

    The ULB has two lecture rooms with technical facilities.

    ULB Stadtmitte: Room 23, ground floor
    ULB Lichtwiese: Room 18, ground floor; directly accessible through the HMZ foyer or from the library.

    Current events

  • Lending

    Find information on everything to do with lending here.

  • Library Account

    Your library account contains an overview of borrowed media and their loan periods. You can also request renewals, view reservations and change your password.

  • Library Card

    Your library card entitles you to borrow items from all ULB locations. It also allows you free use of our Internet workstations.

    See also: ULB card , Athene card

  • Library Tours

    You can go on an independent walking tour of the ULB Stadtmitte with the Audio Guide Stadtmitte . Groups of 6 people or more can arrange a guided tour.

  • Loan Periods

    Media may be borrowed for 4 weeks and extended/renewed up to four times unless reserved.

  • Lockers

    Storage of working materials

  • Loss of a Book or Medium

    If you lose or damage a medium, please us as soon as possible. You will be expected to pay the charges and costs for replacing the medium.

  • Loss of a Library Card

    Please us immediately if you lose your library card (ULB card) or Athena cCard so we can block your library account. You will be liable for any damage in the event of the card being misused.

  • Loss of Books

    If you lose or damage a medium, please us as soon as possible. You will be expected to pay the charges and costs for replacing the medium.

  • Lost Property

    Items found at the ULB Darmstadt will be kept for a period of 6 weeks.

  • M
  • Membership

    A library card is only ever issued for a limited period of time. The expiry date will be displayed in your library account. Your right of use can be extended by presenting a valid identity card or passport at the “Service & Information” counter or by . If presenting a passport, you must also present a registration certificate that must not be more than 6 months old. If you have entered an email address in our system, you will be informed by email when your right of use is about to expire.

  • Mobile Network Access

    TU members (students or staff) can also access almost all of the licensed electronic journals, databases and e-books from outside the TU network. Access to the licensed full texts is provided via a VPN connection.

  • N
  • Newsletter

    ULBinfo is the ULB's newsletter, which contains all the latest news and information from the ULB.

  • P
  • Parking

    You will find detailed information at the locations. As parking is extremely limited, we would draw your attention to the excellent public transport connections.

  • Payment Options

    Payment machines are located in the entrance area to ULB Stadtmitte and ULB Lichtwiese. You can pay charges and costs using your EC card there.

  • Photography and Filming in the Library

    Photography of library media for own, non-commercial purposes is permitted with restrictions.

    Permission must be obtained from the Press Office of TU Darmstadt before photographing or filming in the public spaces of the University and State Library Darmstadt.

  • Provision of Media

    Your order will be available after a period of time at the respective point of issue (collection shelf, Service & Information counters or in the research reading room).

  • Publishing Fund

    Since 2017, TU Darmstadt has maintained a publishing fund to support the publication of its members' research results in Open Access journals.

  • Q
  • Qualifications

    These are the training programmes offered by the University and State Library: Specialists for Media and Information Services (FaMI), IT Specialist and Internship for the Senior Service at Scientific Libraries.

  • R
  • Regensburg Library Classification Scheme (RVK)

    Most of the media on the top floors are set up according to the Regensburg Library Classification Scheme (RVK), which you can view online at RVK online.

  • Registration of ULB Card (Library Card)

    You will find the registration form for students who are not studying at TU Darmstadt and for residents in the region who wish to use the ULB Darmstadt, here.

  • Relaxation Station

    Exams, assignments and final dissertations can be extremely stressful. The ULB Darmstadt is well aware of this, and has provided relaxation stations at the locations of Stadtmitte and Lichtwiese. They can be found on the first floors.

  • Reminder Fees

    If you exceed the loan period, we will immediately charge a reminder fee based on the current version of the scale of fees of the State of Hesse. You will not be able to borrow, extend or reserve any media until the reminder fees have been settled and the relevant media returned.

  • Repro Service

    In the case of digitisation on demand, the ULB will take over the copying / scanning and, if necessary, also the preparation of the desired pages on your behalf.

  • Research Data

    Information and services concerning research data are offered by the TUdata Team, a cooperation between the ULB and the computing centre (Hochschulrechenzentrum).

  • Reservations

    If the media you require are already on loan to other users, you have the option to reserve them using the TUfind search portal.

  • Return

    Borrowed media may be returned to any ULB location.

  • Right of Use

    A library card is only ever issued for a limited period of time. The expiry date will be displayed in your Library account. Your right of use can be extended by presenting a valid identity card or passport at the “Service & Information” counter or by . If presenting a passport, you must also present a registration certificate that must not be more than 6 months old. If you have entered an email address in our system, you will be informed by email when your right of use is about to expire.

  • Room Bookings

    Single study rooms and group work rooms are available to use at both locations, ULB Stadtmitte and ULB Lichtwiese.

  • Rules for Use

    Legal bases of the ULB

  • T
  • Temporary Password for Athene Cards

    The Athene card is also your library card. You will find the library card number (BAN) on the card starting with the numbers 0017. When the Athene card is issued, you will be given a temporary password that you can see at https://idm.tu-darmstadt.de/password/accountNames. Please log in with your TU ID and the corresponding password for this. We strongly advise you to change this temporary password.

  • Temporary Password for ULB Cards

    The temporary password for holders of ULB Cards is their birth date in 6 figures (DDMMYY). E.g.: 30.01.1980 = 300180

    We strongly advise you to change this temporary password.

  • Topping up Athene and ULB Cards

    In the ULB Stadtmitte, you will find top-up machines on the first basement floor and on the ground floor opposite the counter at the entrance. In the ULB Lichtwiese there is a top-up machine in the foyer of the HMZ to the right of the entrance to the ULB.

  • Tours

    Tours of ULB Stadtmitte can be undertaken independently at any time using Audio guide Stadtmitte .
    For groups of six people or more, you can arrange a tour using our group registration feature.

  • TUbama

    The digital archive for bachelor and master theses at the TU Darmstadt.

  • TUbiblio

    The bibliography of TU Darmstadt.

  • TUdata

    Research data at TU Darmstadt.

  • TUdatalib

    The institutional repository for research data at TU Darmstadt.

  • TUdigit

    Digital collection of freely available works in the holdings of the ULB Darmstadt.

  • TUdmo

    The ULB uses TUdmo (TU data management organiser) to support the creation and maintenance of data management plans for research data at TU Darmstadt.

  • TUfind

    The search portal of the ULB Darmstadt.

  • TUjournals

    The ULB supports publication of Open Access journals at TU Darmstadt with its TUjournals service.

  • TUkart

    Digital collection of maps, views, hand drawings, posters and portraits from the inventories of ULB Darmstadt.

  • TUprints

    TU Darmstadt's publication platform for scientific works as electronic first or second publications.

  • U
  • ULB Card

    The ULB card can only be collected in person upon presentation of a valid German ID card or passport at the “Service & Information” counter at ULB Stadtmitte. If presenting a passport, you must also present a registration certificate (maximum 6 months old).

    Registration for students of other universities and users in region (ULB Card)

  • ULB Card Password

    The temporary password for holders of ULB cards is their birth date in 6 figures (DDMMYY).

    E.g.: 30.01.1980 = 300180

    We strongly advise you to change this temporary password.

  • ULB for TU Employees

    Information for TU Employees (Employees, teachers, doctoral students) at a glance

  • ULB Kompass

    At both ULB locations, there are information terminals on all floors with the electronic guidance and orientation system “ULB Kompass”.
    ULB Kompass Stadtmitte
    ULB Kompass Lichtwiese

  • ULB Profile

    Functions and tasks of the University and State Library

  • V
  • Viewing Stacks

    In the ULB Stadtmitte you can look through our historical stacks. They are in the basement (UG1) directly behind the lecture hall. You will see part of the historical library stocks there, mainly from the 16th to the 19th centuries.

  • VPN

    TU members (students or staff) can access almost all of the licensed electronic media offers of the ULB using a VPN connection from outside the TU network.

  • W
  • Wi-Fi

    eduroam or Darmstadt WiFi

  • Wi-Fi via eduroam

    You can use Wi-Fi via eduroam in the ULB if you are

    • member of the TU Darmstadt with an eduroam identifier or
    • member of an other institution which is a participant in the eduroam network.
  • Workstations

    There are over 1250 workstations at ULB Stadtmitte, Schloss and Lichtwiese, as well as 86 single study rooms and 11 rooms for group work.

  • Z
  • Zotero

    Research tool – gather, organise, quote and share sources.