Gender Equality Officers

The role of the Gender Equality Officers of the central institutions at TU Darmstadt is to effectively represent the interests of women and to promote the professional development of women in their field.

They support the central Gender Equality Officers at TU in implementing the Hesse Equal Rights Act and the TU Plan for the Advancement of Women.

Further information:

TU Plan for the Advancement of Women (opens in new tab)

Hesse Equal Rights Act

Gender Equality Officers

  Name Working area(s) Contact
Gender Equality Officers
Katrin Fischer
Centre for Digital Editions | Gender Equality Officer
+49 6151 16-76339
Andrea Goll
Team Humanities and Social Sciences | Gender Equality Officer
+49 6151 16-76232
S1|20 202
Dr. Annegret Holtmann-Mares
Head of the Historical Archive of the TU | Gender Equality Officer
+49 6151 16-76529
S4|01 229

As the Gender Equality Officers of the ULB, we shall be addressing the following topics in the future:

  • Direct contact to the library management
  • Participation in job interviews
  • Promotion of the vocational (further) qualification of women
  • Acquisition of women's funding, for instance for information events or excursions
  • Dissemination of information regarding events on relevant topics

We encourage you to send us your ideas and suggestions. You are welcome to contact us personally or by email at .