Temporary Password for Athene Cards
The Athene card is also your library card. You will find the library card number (BAN) on the card starting with the numbers 0017. When the Athene card is issued, you will be given a temporary password that you can see at . Please log in with your TU ID and the corresponding password for this. We strongly advise you to change this temporary password. https://idm.tu-darmstadt.de/password/accountNames
You can do this using the link displayed on the page or in your . Please log in with the library card number (BAN) and the password you were allocated, and select “Change password” under “Personal information”. Library account
Forgotten password
If you forget your password and have entered a valid email address in your library account, you can reset it on the page . https://opac.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/cgi-bin/pwf