The ULB offers you a wide range of electronic journals, which are listed in our search portal . However, you can also look for them using the TUfind. They can be searched alphabetically by subject, keyword, title beginning or ISSN. Electronic Journals Library (EZB)
Conditions of access
- Green traffic light = freely accessible
- Yellow traffic light = freely accessible in the library system of TU Darmstadt
- Yellow/red traffic light = freely access in the library system of TU Darmstadt for the specified publication period
- Red traffic light = not accessible in the library system of TU Darmstadt (only tables of content or abstracts)
If you cannot access a magazine or volume of a journal even though the traffic light is yellow, please contact lizenzen@ulb.tu-darmstadt.de. We do not have continuous licences for some journals. In these cases, only some of the volumes can be accessed. Click on the i-button (information) after the full-text link to the journal for further information on the journal and the scope of the available content.
TU members have the option of remote access. You will need the from the University Computing Centre. Please select the “campus” group to create the VPN connection (and not “external”). VPN software