The campus licence for EndNote expired on 30.09.2020.
Alfasoft offers staff at TU Darmstadt discounted volume licences for EndNote. Users all need their own licence, and may install it on up to three computers. Home use is included. The licences do not have an expiry date, but EndNote must be uninstalled from all of a user's computers on leaving the university. Please send an order for a volume licence to info@alfasoft.com, along with the TU billing address and the email address to which the delivery is to be made. Quote licence number MU64886.
People who do not work at the TU can purchase individual licences for EndNote from . Students pay a reduced price. https://www.endnote.de/
As an alternative to EndNote, you can use the reference management programs (free) and Zotero (limited free version, full version with a campus licence). The ULB offers regular workshops on reference management. You will find the current dates in the Events calendar. Citavi
Please contact infokompetenz@ulb.tu-… with any questions.