Room Booking

Here you will find information on booking and options for use of the rooms in the ULB.

There are 48 single study rooms in the ULB Stadtmitte and 38 in the ULB Lichtwiese. There are no single study rooms available in the ULB Schloss

The rooms can be used without booking.

There are 5 group work rooms in the ULB Stadtmitte and 7 rooms in the ULB Lichtwiese.

A maximum of 6 people (room 320 Stadtmitte 8 people) are allowed in group work rooms.

Library users with a valid library card can book the rooms themselves online.

The rooms may also be used without a reservation, but they must be vacated if a booked group arrives for their reservation.

A group may only book one group work room per day. A total of 3 bookings may be made up to four weeks in advance.

A room may be booked for a maximum of 4 hours per day. No keys are handed out.

You can alter or cancel your reservation through the “My Bookings” menu in our booking system.


  • Lecture room
    • Location: ground floor
    • Room number: 23
    • Seats: 22


  • Lecture room
    • Location: ground floor
    • Room number: 18
    • Seats: 25


Centrally located and completely barrier-free, ULB has a lecture hall in the basement with multimedia equipment and variable facilities that offer a wide range of options for use. Measuring 146 m² and with room for 126 visitors with full seating, it is ideal for lectures, conferences and presentations.

The hall is available to hire, both by the university and to interested parties from the region.

Contact: Doris Michel