Darmstadt WiFi
The project “Darmstadt WiFi”, supported by the city council of Darmstadt, the energy supplier ENTEGA and the transportation company HEAG mobile, promotes the “Digital City of Darmstadt” by installing public hotspots in the town centre. Since December the University Computer Centre (HRZ) and the ULB are participating in this project. “Darmstadt WiFi” can now be used in ULB Stadtmitte and ULB Lichtwiese via the local WLAN infrastructure.
Cultural Hackathon „Coding Da Vinci Rhein-Main“ successfully completed
After five weeks, on 1 December the first cultural hackathon “Coding Da Vinci” endet with a festive awards ceremony in the State Museum at Mainz. The ULB supplied the data and organized the competition.
Wie offen sind Sie? Teilnahme an bundesweiter Umfrage läuft weiter
Im Rahmen des Projekts OpenIng startete ab Oktober 2018 eine Online-Befragung zum Publikationsverhalten in den Ingenieurwissenschaften. Forscherinnen und Forscher sind aufgerufen, sich bis zum 15.12.18 an der Umfrage zu beteiligen.
Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur für die Ingenieurwissenschaften (NFDI4Ing)
Informationsveranstaltung Dienstag, 6. November 2018, 13:00 – 15:00 Uhr ULB Stadtmitte, Vortragssaal (UG)
Scopus-License will expire at end of 2018
By end of December 2018 the special funds for the database Scopus will be used up and the license will not be renewed. We suggest all users to conclude their searches and save their results in due time. We regret not being able to provide this service any longer.
Management System for Free Workplaces
With the help of our new management system at ULB Stadtmitte and ULB Lichtwiese you can check comfortably from home if there are free workplaces in the library. On a streetmap you can perceive the occupancy of each location and on a separate diagramme you can see the approximate number of free and occupied seats on each floor.
Coffee Lectures at ULB Lichtwiese
The library-team invites you to a new series of coffee lectures. Come and enjoy a fresh cup of coffee while talking with us about the library and its services. All lectures will be held in German.
Talk to the Head Librarian
Starting October the director of the University and State Library (ULB) announces a monthly talk of 45 minutes where students are invited to share praise and criticism, develop new ideas or discuss with him library politics, media shift and the role of libraries in a knowledge-based society.
Extended Opening Hours in the Library for Humanities and Social Sciences (BGG) from 1 October 2018
Upon request of students the Library for Humanities and Social Sciences (Bibliothek Gesellschafts- und Geschichtswissenschaften BGG) tests extended opening hours in the coming winter term: Mo-Thu: 9am – 6pm Fr: 9am – 3pm
Advanced Training Courses for EndNote
On 11 October the ULB offers two training courses for advanced users in EndNote 1:00 pm to 3:45 pm: Creating and Modifying Output Styles 4:00 pm to 6:45 pm: Using EndNote Online and Team Work in the Cloud Location: ULB Stadtmitte, trainingroom 23 (basement) All courses will be held in German. Please enroll under endnote@ulb.tu-darmstadt.de