Awareness against predatory publishers
For advice on the publication of your scientific publication, especially in relation with the current discussions on predatory publishing, please contact the Team Electronic Publishing on 06151/16-76217 or by e-mail at epp@ulb.tu-darmstadt.de .
Maintenance of the user elevator ULB Stadtmitte
From 25.07. to 27.07.2018 the Kern B user lift (ground floor to 4th floor) will be maintained. If necessary, please ask for an escort for the employee lifts at the entrance counter. Thank you for your understanding.
Parking Discs against anticipatory Seat Saving – Fair Play in the Library
Please use “parking discs” at the ULB Stadtmitte and ULB Lichtwiese to secure seats for short breaks only.
Reduced opening hours in the Forschungslesesaal
On Tuesday 24.07. and Thursday 26.07.2018 the Forschungslesesaal opens at 13:00 and closes at 17:00 due to staff training.
E-Mail traffic malfunction
Due to a technical malfunction at the HRZ, all e-mails from ULB could not be delivered in the night of July 16-17, 2018. Please check your loan periods and reservations in your library account.
Update 13.07.2018 : Climate Situation in the ULB Stadtmitte
Both cooling units are installed and connected to the supply lines. The tightness test is currently being done. After completion of this procedure, the devices can be connected to the electrical system. The work is more than on schedule. We are very confident that the installation can be completed without further delay.
Summer break at the European Documentation Centre (EDC)
Unfortunately from 05 to 29 July 2018 there is no personal advice available in the EDC . We gladly receive your research orders and general requests from 30 July 2018.
New e-Journal: Nature Human Behaviour
The e-journal „nature human behaviour“ has been linked by the ULB. The journal covers important research topics in human behaviour.
Update 28.06.2018: Climate situation at ULB Stadtmitte
The repair works are on schedule.The broken cooling unit has been dismantled and removed. The components of the new cooling machine have arrived and are installed at the moment.
Update 21.06.18: Climate situation at ULB Stadtmitte
The repair works proceed quickly. The replacement devices have arrived and will be exchanged soon. At the moment we do not expect any further delay.