On 23 December TUfind and some services not available
The features of TUfind, loan and interlibrary loan, and the internet access to the users' PCs will be not available on Wednesday, the 23 December, in the period from 7:30 a.m. until about 10:00 a.m. We ask for your understanding.
No booking of group study rooms from December 21st 2015
In the period from December 21st 2015 to January 8th 2016 reservation requests for the group study rooms will not be implemented. The request forms will be closed, mails with reservation requests will not be processed. The group study rooms will remain open during this time and can be used without reservation.
Book orders to and from the BGG during the holidays
From December 18th 2015 to January 3rd 2016 books cannot be ordered to and from the BGG. Orders processed at that time will not be provided and must be repeated, if necessary, from January 4th 2016 onwards. From January 4th 2016 all services will be available as usual again.
Karten-Georeferenzierungsprojekt erfolgreich abgeschlossen
Alle 444 Karten wurden in weniger als einer Woche von über 40 Freiwilligen verortet und dabei insgesamt deutlich mehr als 10.000 Kontrollpunkte gesetzt. Ganz herzlichen Dank an unsere fleißigen Helferinnen und Helfer! Nun ist Ihr Feedback gefragt.
DETAIL inspiration now licensed
ULB now offers licensed access to the “ DETAIL Inspiration ” image- and reference- database. Over 3.000 architectural projects are listed and supplemented with high-resolution images, drawings and project descriptions, reaching from current issues back to the first publications of DETAIL 50 years ago.
Georeferencing of historical maps
Are you interested in history and historical maps and would you like to help your library? Why not commit yourself in locating 444 digitized maps with the help of our ULB-Georeferencer? This is not only fun and simple to do but also helps to improve the recognition of our map-collection worldwide. We are happy for any support! www.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/georeferencer
Historical Archive temporarily closed
The historical archive of the TU Darmstadt will be closed from 30 November till 9 December due to refurbishment works. Questions by mail ( archiv@ulb.tu-darmstadt.de ) will be read at short notice but answered with a potential delay. Thank you for your understanding.
A stand-by-system for TUfind is available!
The stand-by-system for TUfind is now available under https://hds.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/ulbda . Loan-accounts can still be checked through the Online-Catalogue .
Catalogue-portals inavailable – alternatives to use
Due to a technical breakdown at the IT infrastructure in Frankfurt all HeBIS-catalogues are inavailable until further notice.
Testzugang „Scopus“
Bis zum 11. Dezember 2015 kann die Datenbank „Scopus“ von Elsevier getestet werden. Der Zugriff ist an den Rechnern im Netz der TU Darmstadt, für TU-Angehörige über VPN auch von außerhalb möglich.