Jackets and bags allowed in the library
Library users are allowed to take along their jackets and bags into the reading rooms. Customers who still want to lock up their belongings can rely on the lockers on the usual terms.
Test access to Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie (HWPh)
Till 5 March you can test the electronic version of the Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie (HWPh). The encyclopaedic German lexicon documents in around 6000 articles the origin and genesis of 3670 philosophical terms and concepts. It describes their changes of meaning and functions from their first appearance till today.
Open access publications of TU9 quick and easy
A new interface on the joint website of the TU9-universities allows a targeted search for all open access publications of TU9: https://www.tu9.de/forschung/
HRZ-Systemupdate führt zu Ausfällen bei ULB-Services
Das Hochulrechenzentrum (HRZ) führt am 25.01.2018 wichtige Systemaktualisierungen durch. Deshalb kann es von 6:00 bis 9:00 Uhr zu Ausfällen der ULB-Internetseiten kommen. In der Zeit von 6:00 bis 7:15 Uhr sind das eMail-System und die serverbasierten ULB-Dienste wie z. B. Ausleihsystem, Recherchestationen, TUfind, TUprints, TUbiblio, Kompass betroffen. Mehr Informationen finden Sie auf der betreffenden Seite des HRZ.
Federal Ministry of Education and Research supports project „OpenIng“
OpenIng is a project to raise the awareness for open access publication models in the engineering sciences. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research supports the joint project between the TU Darmstadt and the universities of Braunschweig and Stuttgart with 300000 €.
“Zukunft die bleibt” – Remaining Future
This is the title of a new and richly illustrated information brochure introducing the seven State and University Libraries in Hesse. The booklet sheds light on the past, present and – above all – the future of today’s libraries.
Intermittent restricted entrance to ULB Stadtmitte
In the exam period from mid January to mid March, in former years usually between 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., the ULB Stadtmitte registers a high increase in visitors. When reaching the maximum number of visitors allowed by the fire authority we are impelled to restrict the access to the library.
ULB Lichtwiese: Relocation of information counter and newspaper corner
At ULB Lichtwiese from now on, you will receive all information and services at one central counter on the ground floor. The newspaper corner is now on the 1st floor in the area of the former information counter.
Exhibition “Objects of Knowledge”: open lecture
On Wednesday 10 January 2018 at 6:30 p.m. Prof. Helga Meise will talk about “Thesaurus Pictuarum” in the Hessischen Landesmuseum Darmstadt . Prof. Meise teaches Germanic Studies at Reims University and is an expert on this manuscript. She has published numerous papers about the early modern history of the landgraves of Hesse-Darmstadt, among them her opus magnum about the calendaric diaries at the electoral court of Darmstadt which deals intensely with the historical collections of the ULB.