Exhibition and Lectures about Heinrich Schirmbeck
To mark the jubilee of his 100th birthday the Heinrich-Schirmbeck-Gesellschaft e.V. , the Heinrich-Schirmbeck-Stiftung , the BUND and further NGOs are going to set up numerous events, readings and lectures at the ULB this year. An exhibition is to be seen at the ULB from 1 July to 30 September. In association with the exhibition three lectures will take place in the lecture room of the ULB, admission free.
Test access to “Religion Past and Present Online”
From 12 June – 14 July the international encyclopaedia “Religion Past and Present Online” (English translation of “ Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart ”) with 15.000 articles about the history of protestantism and other religions can be searched on the basis of a free trial access.
Niebergall exhibition within the framework of the Datterich Festival
We invite you to Niebergall exhibition from June, 5th to June, 28th 2015, which is organized in the ULB Stadtmitte within the framework of the Datterich Festival. The exhibition opening will take place on June, 5th at 6 p.m. in the Liebig-Haus.
Test access to DigiZeitschriften
From May 8th – June 25th the interdisciplinary digital archive “DigiZeitschriften” with full text journals published in the arts, humanities and social sciences can be searched on the basis of a free trial access. The archive includes the core German research journals, some of them dating back into the 19th century. According to a moving time wall, however, the current issues are not included.
Bundesgerichtshof bestätigt Rechtsauffassung der TU Darmstadt
Bibliotheken dürfen Bücher digital zugänglich machen. Der Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) hat in seiner gestern verkündeten Entscheidung eine 2009 vom Ulmer Verlag eingereichte Klage gegen die TU Darmstadt endgültig in allen Punkten abgewiesen. weiter >>
DAKAPO shutdown on March, 31st 2015
From March 31st onwards the meta-search-engine for the local online-catalogues DAKAPO provided by the ULB will be no longer available. Please use the new seach-engine TUfind instead. Former DAKAPO-clipboards and inter-library loan can still be used via the HeBIS -interface.
Guided tours at Easter
Three guided tours through the ULB Stadtmitte on Tuesday, April 7th, 2015 are offered for all interested persons, beginning at 11.00 a.m., 3.00 p.m. and 5:.00 p.m. Duration about 45 minutes and registration is not required. Meet at the foyer in the basement of the library. We look forward to your visit. The tours will be held in german.
Reservierungswünsche auf Gruppenarbeitsräume
Aufgrund der großen Anzahl an Reservierungswünschen während der Prüfungsphase, schaltet die Abteilung Raumkoordination des Dezernats II die Formulare zeitweise (vor allem an den Wochenenden) ab. Sind alle eingegangenen Wünsche bearbeitet, sind die Formulare wieder online erreichbar.
Arbeiten an der Datenbank am 18. und 19.01.
Die Möglichkeit zur Fernleihe steht von Sonntag, 18.01.15 ca. 12:00 Uhr bis Montag 19.01.15 ca. 08:00 Uhr nicht zur Verfügung.
Consistent expansion of the digital copy
The commercial copy service at ULB Stadtmitte and in the “Hörsaal- und Medienzentrum” on Campus Lichtwiese will shut down on January 5th 2015 owing to lack of demand. The library now focusses exclusively on self-service scanners.