24 hour opening ULB Stadtmitte from June to August
The dates for 24 hour opening in the ULB Stadtmitte for the rest of the summer term will be: Saturday 1 June to Monday 31 August 2019 (7 days a week).
Results of the European elections 2019
For the results and information on how to proceed after the election, please visit the website of the European Documentation Centre (EDC).
Europawahl – der Countdown läuft
Wer sich jetzt noch schnell informieren möchte, kann das auf der EDZ-Webseite zur Europawahl tun. Besuchen Sie auch den EDZ-Stand im Foyer der ULB Stadtmitte. Hier können Sie sich viele interessante Publikationen – rund um die Europawahl – mit nach Hause nehmen.
Relocation of Patent and Trademark Centre Rhein-Main
From 20 May 2019 the Patent and Trademark Centre opens during usual office hours at its new location: TU building S4|14, Mornewegstraße 26-32, 64293 Darmstadt, 2. floor, rooms 2.3.07 – 2.3.21.
Presidential Debate – EU Elections 2019
The Debate will be broadcast live from the European Parliament in Brussels on 15 May 2019 from 21:00 – 22:30. ULB Vortragssaal, Magdalenenstraße 8, 64289 Darmstadt More information: European Documentation Centre (EDC)
& Booklets: Emil Siemeister's Artists' Books
Exhibition at ULB Stadtmitte from 14 May to 30 June
The Artist Emil Siemeister creates his works from various materials, techniques and genres whereby he always starts from a drawing as his elementary basis. Exhibition opening: Monday, 13 May, 6pm
Europe Day and European Week
Each year on 09 May the European Union (EU) celebrates its Europe Day. From 04 to 12 May various institutions in Germany organize events and activities relating to European politics and culture.
TU Darmstadt participates in DEAL-Contract with Wiley
The DEAL Project which has been started by the alliance of German science organizations aims to conclude license agreements covering all electronic journals of international academic publishers. A first nationwide contract has now been signed with the publisher Wiley.
Tag der Arbeit (May 1st)
The Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt including all locations and departments (PMZ, Historical Archive, EDC) will be closed on Wednesday 1 May 2019.
Opening hours at ULB Stadtmitte from 1 April
Each term the ULB Stadtmitte changes its opening hours according to the exam periods. From 1 April to 31 May the library opens daily from 8 a.m. to 1 a.m.