Publication guidelines

As a quantifiable value, scientific publications are important indicators of a university's range of services. Institutional performance comparisons such as rankings are often based on publication data. TU Darmstadt is committed to the principles of freedom of research and teaching and open science. Taking into account the disciplinary peculiarities and relevant quality criteria, publications produced at TU Darmstadt should be accessible and reusable under a free licence without restrictions.

TU Darmstadt's Open Access Policy

By signing the Berlin Declaration, TU Darmstadt agreed to the definition of Open Access contained therein. The Open Access Policy (opens in new tab) provides further details on how it is implemented.

The following legal requirements apply when publishing scientific works within the meaning of the Berlin Declaration:
“The authors and copyright holders of such publications grant all users free, irrevocable, worldwide access to these publications, and allow them to copy, use, distribute, transmit and publicly reproduce them – in any medium and for any responsible purpose – and to create and distribute adaptations thereof provided that authorship is correctly indicated.”

Publishing at TU Darmstadt

The publication guidelines (opens in new tab) increase the visibility of your research results and ensure that they are assigned to TU Darmstadt. It applies to all scientific publications and is binding for all members and affiliates of the university.

Correct publishing at a glance

Publishing at TU Darmstadt
Publishing at TU Darmstadt

Publishing at TU Darmstadt (opens in new tab)
with Gold and Green Open Access
(Overview for download as pdf-file)

B!SON (Bibliometric and Semantic Open Access Recommender Network) aims to help you find a suitable Open Access journal for your article. B!SON has been developed by TIB und SLUB Dresden and is currently offered in beta version. TU Darmstadt supports this project. The recommendation service accesses the free databases DOAJ and OpenCitations and is based on semantic and bibliometric methods. B!SON is independent of publishers and only recommends quality-assured OA journals.

Scientific authors need a binding, standardised identifier in order to ensure a clear assignment of their publications in the event of name equivalence, name change or spelling variants. The ORCID iD is given in conjunction with the green iD icon: example of an entry

TU Darmstadt recommends the use of an ORCID iD in its publication guideline (opens in new tab) and supports this international standard through its membership of the ORCID Germany Consortium. ORCID is the central identification feature in all TU Darmstadt publication systems.

Advantages of the ORCID iD
Video: What is ORCID?

  • Clear identification of scientific authors
  • Independent of institutions
  • Correct assignment of publications and research data (bibliometrics, visibility of research activity)
  • Easy data maintenance (name, affiliation, publications)
  • Granular privacy settings
  • ORCID iD given on every scientific output (publishers, repositories such as TUprints, TUdatalib and many more)
  • Exchange between ORCID and other services
  • Free registration in three steps
  • International


TU Darmstadt's identity management (IDM) enables the ORCID iD to be linked to your TU ID:

  • Access the IDM Portal of the University Computing Centre (log in with your TU ID)
  • Personal account management
  • Manage contact details
  • Research
  • Entry in the ORCID iD field

A standardised affiliation designation is defined for TU Darmstadt and must be used throughout the entire publication process. The uniform indication of the official name guarantees that all publications can be clearly assigned to TU Darmstadt.
The official name in German and English is:

Technische Universität Darmstadt
Technical University of Darmstadt

When specifying the department or other affiliations, this sequence is to be adhered to:
Technical University of Darmstadt
Academic unit, e.g. profile area, field of study, centre, institute, department, professorship

Please address any questions concerning institution affiliation to Dr Zielbauer,

Information on the submission of OA publications

  • You can publish scientific works as First oder Second Publications through TUprints.
    Important tips for submission
    • Use the style sheets (e.g. LaTex, Word, PowerPoint, Libre Open Office) in the TU Darmstadt corporate design for your scientific publications. These sheets are configured so that they can be optimally converted into the ULB target format for automated evaluation and long-term archiving. If this is not possible, please provide us with the original format of your accepted publication, e.g. a Word file in the publisher's layout.
    • To submit your files, please use e.g. GigaMove, the file-sharing service recommended by the TU Darmstadt Computing Centre.
    • For the further publication process of your first and second publications through TUprints, we will need the “Contract for the publication of digital documents in TUprints” .
  • You publish your research details through the TUdatalib repository.
  • You publish your teaching and learning materials via OpenLearnWare (OLW).