- What does Open Access mean to TU Darmstadt and research funders?
- Which funding and financing options are there for publications by TU dependants?
- Which publishers, other publishing organs or ULB offers would be suitable for me?
- Which quality criteria are there for specialist publishers?
- What are my rights as an author?
- Which services does ULB offer dependants of TU Darmstadt to support them with implementing the Open Access policy?
Find out the answers to these questions in our workshops, where you can apply your new knowledge directly to practical examples.
The PowerPoint presentations from the courses are available on . OpenLearnWare
Current Events on the Topic
08:30-09:30"Kumulative Sprechstunde"
Dieses regelmäßige Angebot richtet sich an Promovierende, die sich für eine kumulative Dissertation entscheiden. Für 30 Minuten erläutern Mitglieder des Te…
08:30-09:30"Consultation hour for article-based dissertations"
This regular service is aimed at PhD students who decide to submit an article-based dissertation (a.k.a “Cumulative Dissertation”). For 30 minutes, members of the Digit…
08:30-09:30"Kumulative Sprechstunde"
Dieses regelmäßige Angebot richtet sich an Promovierende, die sich für eine kumulative Dissertation entscheiden. Für 30 Minuten erläutern Mitglieder des Te…
08:30-09:30"Consultation hour for article-based dissertations"
This regular service is aimed at PhD students who decide to submit an article-based dissertation (a.k.a “Cumulative Dissertation”). For 30 minutes, members of the Digit…