Completed Projects

A selection of projects that the ULB has carried out internally or in various collaborations in recent years


Name Description
Greetings an Kisses Greeting and Kisses – digital letters. Citizens receive love letters. Sub project Love Coding Lab.
UNITE.H2020 Unite! is a network of universities in seven countries that will set a new model for a European virtual and physical inter-university campus.
The Book of Letters of Hildegard von Bingen The research project presents the Wiesbaden Codex, a giant book of letters (Liber epistolarum) by Hildegard von Bingen, for the first time in a single edition.
OATbyCO – Verbundprojekt: Open Access Transformation by Cooperation The aim of this project is to establish a joint workflow between publishers and libraries for the creation of open access texts.
Fachinformationsdienst BAUdigital The aim of the FID BAUdigital is to cover the information requirements for cutting-edge research in the specialist cluster of civil engineering, architecture and urbanism with a focus on digital methods and technologies.
Open Access Publizieren Technische Universität Darmstadt establishes a publishing fund in order to assist its members in the publication of scientific articles in open access journals.
Hüpsch Collection Complete digitisation and indexing of the literary estate of Jean Guillaume Adolphe Fiacre Honvlez, alias “Baron Adolf von Hüpsch” (1730 – 1805), which is held at the ULB Darmstadt.
Supporting the high-tech location Hesse with UP training and research The project “European Regional Development Fund”, or ERDF for short, is an investment by the European Union to “support the high-tech location of Hesse through intellectual property training and research for university members and founders at TU Darmstadt”
Cooperative library use with FOLIO The end result is a prototype implementation in the open source library system FOLIO.
VD17-Digitization Digitisation of 17th cent. imprints of the collection Guenderrode. A contribution to the VD 17 master plan.


Name Description
OpenIng Project partners TU Darmstadt, TU Braunschweig and the University of Stuttgart investigated the publication behaviour of engineering scientists with regard to legal, organisational, reputational and financial barriers.
World War newspapers Digitisation and full-text indexing of over 120 regional newspapers from Hessen's university and state libraries from 1914 to 1918
Cemetery Reproduction of 58 Darmstadt cemetery books
Flora Graeca Digitisation and scientific structural indexing of the epoch-making hand-coloured botanical work, of which the ULB holds an extremely rare first print.
Flora Greaca Digitalis Development of a virtual edutainment portal on plant genera.
Darmstädter Zeitung 1777-1935
Portrait collection Indexing and digitisation of the portrait collection – part of the maps and graphics collection
Teaching slides for mechanical engineering Digitisation and structural development from the Institute for Product Development and Machine Elements
Keyserling letters Digitisation and structural indexing of the entire correspondence from the estate of Hermann Graf Keyserling
Historical music catalogues Digitisation and structural indexing of handwritten music directories from the Cabinet and Court Library of the 18th and 19th centuries
Georeferencing Georeferencing of 886 historical maps of the ULB with the support of citizens


Name Description
Manuscript indexing Cataloguing of medieval theological manuscripts: Volume 5.2
Bindings database Indexing of bookbinding tools on bindings of the 15th and 16th centuries in the bindings database
Incunabula digitisation Digitisation and structural indexing of 930 incunabula from the Darmstadt Collection
Enrolment books TU archives Scanning of the class / enrolment books of the TU and presentation in dwork/tudigit
Glass slides from China Digitisation and structural indexing of the slide collection taken on the 1934-37 visit to China by Professor Erich Reuleaux (Chair of Railway Engineering)
Teaching slides for e-technology Digitisation and structural indexing from the Institute of Electrical Energy Conversion