Estates and Autographs

ULB holds more than 130 estates, including those of well-known personalities such as author Frank Thiess, germanist and pedagogue Bräuning-Oktavio, philosopher Hermann Graf von Keyserling, carillon conductor Karl Anton and the poet Hans Schiebelhuth. Individual letters, for instance by Büchner, Humboldt or Luther, provide information on life, research and ways of thinking during particular epochs.

Databases and catalogues

The estates, autographs and letters can be researched in the Kalliope database.

The War Collections (1914-1918) database lists the collections contained in the estates of Friedrich Maurer and Adolf Schmidt.

The letter catalogue in the Research Reading Room contains references to individual letters in the estates.

Autograph letter by Georg Büchner
Autograph letter by Georg Büchner

List of estates