Exhibition of archive records of Architect Otto Bartning
In cooperation with the Academy of Arts in Berlin and the Communal Gallery of Arts in Karlsruhe the TU Darmstadt conceived a large retrospective of the Architect Otto Bartning (1883 – 1959).
New e-book packages
The ULB purchased the Morgan & Claypool “Synthesis” e-books collection and also the e-book collection „Mathematics and Statistics“ by Springer.
Guided tour of the exhibition “ The Golden Bull”
Please register to participate in a guided tour: event@ulb.tu-darmstadt.de Events
Open access publishing fund
Since January 1st 2017 the TU Darmstadt finances the publication of current research results of its members in fee-based open access journals. For detailed information see www.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/oa-fonds .
EndNote-Version X8 now available
The ULB has licensed the new version X8 of EndNote for Windows and Macintosh. TU members can download the new version of the reference management software from the ULB website. The ULB offers also regular workshops for using EndNote. For questions please contact endnote@ulb.tu-darmstadt.de .
EDC provides information about the current Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union
Malta will hold the rotating EU Council presidency from January to July 2017. Its presidency will conclude the current trio presidency composed of the Netherlands, Slovakia and Malta. For more information please visit the website of the European Documentation Centre.
Scopus, Reaxys and Springer Materials available
Starting from now three new databases are available in TUfind and DBIS, the local database information system . All electronic resources are accessible within the IP range of the TU Darmstadt (including wi-fi via Eduroam) and for TU-members via VPN from outside.