Based on the Hesse Archives Act, documents may be used for scientific and private research purposes, among other things. Unless there are other rules for the use of the archives, the corresponding user regulations for the Hesse state archives are to be observed.
The archive is only to be used on the archive premises. Archive documents cannot be sent or borrowed.
In order to establish which documents are relevant for your particular purposes, please contact us in writing before you visit the University Archives: archiv@ulb.tu-…
Hesse Archive Information System
Arcinsys Hessen – the archive information system of the Hesse State Archives and other Hesse archives covers the archives' range of services and tasks.
Research and registration: Arcinsys
TUdigit – Digital Collections of the ULB Darmstadt
In , teaching materials from the TU Darmstadt as well as directories from the university are made available digitally. TUdigit