UNITE!H2020 – WP6 – Next steps


UNITE! presents strategic roadmap towards open science in the digital age

The ULB takes part in the UNITE!H2020-project, an alliance of seven technological universities financed by Erasmus Plus and H2020 to establish a European educational area. The ULB assists in the working package 6 „Creating a High Impact European Open Science and Innovation University“ led by Aalto University (Finland).

Now, Unite! presented the alliance's strategic roadmap for moving towards open science and making Unite! a European driver of open science and innovation by 2023. The proposal includes a set of objectives and recommendations which universities and schools should promote and transform into actions, redesigns and incentives to push open science practices and principles in all partner universities.

The roadmap is a guideline for university leaders and regional or national science and innovation policy makers to ensure the openness of science in the research systems of Unite! universities. The objectives and recommendations encompass the international framework of policies and practices set by the UNESCO on how to advance open science, adopted on 23 November 2021. They promote transparency, accessibility, legitimacy, and the participation of researchers, students, staff, teachers, citizens, and other professional groups in science.

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