Solidarity with Ukraine


We express our solidarity with the muliple and worldwide statements on the war in Ukraine, especially by the German Library Association Deutscher Bibliotheksverband e.V. (dbv) and by international library associations.

Furthermore we join the active alliance Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online which was founded as an immediate reaction on the situation in Ukraine to combine all available forces and means to preserve cultural assets in Ukraine for further generations.

In the Appeal by the Ukrainian Library Association on 23 February 2022, one day before the Russian invasion, the association points out the relevance of libraries in the fight against fake news and desinformation. Libraries are places of education open for all. And libraries are places of safety and freedom where all people have access to information.

Since it is also the focus of the University and State Library as a place of living democracy to give access to reliable sources, information, and media, we set up a site Solidarity with Ukraine for you offering selected ressources to countervail desinformation.

Read the statement on the situation in Ukraine by the Technical University Darmstadt to find further contact opportunities and support.