Project AIMS granted
Applying Interoperable Metadata Standards (AIMS) For a precise and understandable documentation metadata have to follow standards which define format and content. These standards have to be tailored to the specific demands of the described datatype and the academic discipline.
Above that, scientists do not only need suitable standards but also adequate tools, methods, and an infrastructure which supports the development and usability of those.
At present these requirements are available only for a limited number of academic disciplines. For the majority the efforts to gain significant metadata are made difficult by many deficits in the research environment. The project „Applying Interoperable Metadata Standards“ (AIMS) supported by the Germen Research Foundation (DFG) wants to approach these problems.
Who are the partners in AIMS?
Associate partners in the project consortium are the Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek (ULB) and the Institut für Fluidsystemtechnik (FST) of the TU Darmstadt as well as the IT Center (ITC) and the Werkzeugmaschinenlabor (WZL) of RWTH Aachen University.
What are the aims of AIMS?
The project has two main aims: First, to create an environment which enables scientists to develop metadata standards according to their specific scientific needs, exchange them and reuse them.
The second and similar important aim is to develop tools and workflows to create standardized metadata without great effort already during the research process and to derive direct advantages from these metadata by enhancing the efficiancy of data processing.
What are the precise working plans of AIMS?
The project shall reach aims in five content driven work packages:
- 1. Frontend and generator for metadata standards
- 2. Repository for metadata standards and vocabularies
- 3. Repository for metadata sets
- 4. Vocabuly, metadata standards, and rights management
- 5. Integration in research workflows
The standardization of research data and their documentation by metadata opens possibilities to optimize data handling and analysis during active research. It must be sure that the standardization neither restricts flexibility nor produces additional effort which countervails its profits.
The contents and results will be made available in open source and open access and so shall be reused beyond the project partners.
For questions concerning the project AIMS please consult Marc Fuhrmans.