Cost sharing for DEAL contracts


On 1 August 2024 the new cost-sharing model for articles in hybrid journals under the DEAL contracts with Elsevier, Springer Nature and Wiley started at TU Darmstadt. The acceptance date is the decisive factor.

The DEAL agreements negotiated by the HRK (German Rectors' Conference) offer access to the majority of the publishers' journal portfolios and expand the range of publications, now including Elsevier. As the high costs cannot be covered centrally, they will be shared. For open access articles in the DEAL publishers' hybrid journals, 1,400 euros (gross) will be paid centrally. The remaining costs will be borne by the corresponding authors or their research groups / institutes.

Please note that closed access publishing is no longer possible free of charge. In contrast to other closed journals, the three DEAL publishers will charge the ULB full costs in this case. For these closed access publications, the fees incurred must be paid in full by the authors or their research groups / institutes, as the ULB grant is limited to OA publications.

The conditions of the DEAL contracts are summarised in detail for each publisher on the site Funding and financing (section Publishing discounts and special conditions). If you have any questions, please contact the .