Workshops “Fit for your Promotion”
The joint workshop series of Hessian University Libraries goes into the next round.
In the premliminary stages of your thesis, in the writing process, and after handing in your thesis you’ll face many challenges. You collect data, interpret, and manage them. You write down and publish your results. And in all these processes you have to follow the rules of „good scientific practice“.
The worskhop series „Fit for your Promotion" introduces you to many programmes and tools, conveys working techniques, and familiarizes you with basic research questions. The following workshops will take place in the winter semester:
- 02. November, 10am-12am Einführung ins Forschungsdatenmanagement (Uni Kassel)
- 07. November, 3pm-4.30pm Publizieren im Open Access (Frankfurt UAS)
- 29. November, 2pm-3.30pm Recherche in EBSCO-Datenbanken (HSRM)
- 05. December, 10am-11.30am Literaturverwaltung mit Citavi für Promovierende (Frankfurt UAS)
- 12. December, 12am-2pm Einführung in LaTeX (Uni Frankfurt)
- 21.December, 6pm-8pm Writing a scientific text: a procedural approach (TU Darmstadt)
- 18. January, 10am-11.30am Literaturverwaltung mit Zotero für Promovierende (Frankfurt UAS)
- 23. January, 3.20pm-4:50pm Einstieg in Text Mining mit dem Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) (TU Darmstadt)
- 02. February, 1pm-3pm Wissenschaftlich Schreiben mit KI? (TU Darmstadt)
- 08. February, 2pm-3.30pm Patente, Marken & Co.- Wie schütze ich meine Ideen? (TU Darmstadt)
For more information on the programme and registration see . The events are open to all interested parties.
We are looking forward to seeing you!